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Courses - Week 2
Set Your Goals
  • Shifting mindsets as a teacher or business owner
  • Finding motivation and inspiration
  • Setting goals for yourself

Week 1
Explore The Courses

  • Introduction to your coaches
  • What to expect from the 10 week program

Week 2
Set Your Goals

Now Playing
  • Shifting mindsets as a teacher or business owner
  • Finding motivation and inspiration
  • Setting goals for yourself

Week 3
Explore Teaching Methods

  • Comparing concept base versus book base method
  • Building a library for teaching

Week 4
Structure Your Business

  • Setting up studio policies, licenses, permits
  • Building and marketing your brand
  • Acquiring and retaining students
  • Setting up accounting – software, payroll, etc.

Week 5
Master Interview Sessions

  • Setting up an interview process
  • Targeting the right audience
  • Creating the right environment for practising
  • Managing policies and expectations
  • Communicating effectively with the parents

Week 6
Plan Your  Lessons

  • Planning lessons for groups
  • Planning lessons for private students

Week 7
Start Your First Lesson

  • Creating first mockup lesson
  • Planning follow-up lessons
  • Checking student progress
  • Motivating students

Week 8
Other Resources & Games

  • Improvisation
  • Composition
  • Reading
  • Rhythm
  • Other online resources

Week 9
Expect Special Circumstances

  • Special needs
  • Online teaching 
  • What to consider

Week 10
Learn From Others

  • Observing/shadowing other teachers
  • One on one coaching and mentoring
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